Book Searchengine Advertising in Germany
With a german SEA Manager from assigned to you personally, you are assured that your paid ads in text and image form will be rolled out on search engines and partner websites in the right place at the right time, so that they are seen by the people who matter most to your business: Your top-selling customers.
SEA Agentur:
Our Philosophy
You, as the customer, always come first.
We take time,
we listen
We follow your needs and research the necessary information about the company to be advertised for SEA marketing.
Customized solution consisting of campaigns with powerful ads
SEA online marketing that really works in a plannable way and achieves the best from the set advertising budget.
SEA Marketing by Mix Werbung
Mix Werbung is an SEA agency with a mission to help businesses attract new customers and increase sales. We review your search engine advertising and provide an effective strategy to achieve business goals.
Creation and management of advertising accounts (Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising). Of course, the advertising accounts remain the property of the client, as they contain, among other things, useful data on target groups.
Real-time visibility of SEA revenues and expenses.
Selection of keywords for your business.
Improving the effectiveness of campaigns so that the advertising investment generates maximum returns.
Creating audiences via demographics and remarketing to drive the kind of traffic to your site that maximizes revenue.
Regularly reviewing actual results to ensure your SEA ads are meeting contracted goals.
Find out how professional SEA marketing can help you increase your sales today by contacting us now:
The Qualityfactor determines the Profitability of SEA Advertising
The strategically correct construction and maintenance of SEA advertising is the cornerstone for the lowest cost per click. Google, Bing and Facebook evaluate the quality of SEA advertising with the help of the so-called quality factor from 1, low, to 10 high. Basically, every keyword and search ad design has a quality factor. The higher the quality factor, the lower the cost to be paid per visitor in the search network. Through good ads, whose quality factors have been optimized by SEA management, you pay less per click than your competitors. Through strategic SEA marketing, you gain an advantage in the market!
By giving you access to online databases and paid analysis tools with, we achieve the best possible quality results. The cornerstone of quality results is account structure, ad group relevance, landing page relevance and exceptional click-through rates achieved through psychologically optimized ad design.
Remarketing through SEA
Remarketing can be used to target people who have already visited your website. We even distinguish between visitors who have already completed a targeted activity (newsletter subscription, purchase, etc.) and those who have not yet filled out the application form or completed the purchase.
Before website visitors leave your e-commerce, we implement remarketing cookies in users‘ browsers so that these visitors can be promoted via SEA marketing as they continue to browse the web on partner websites or increasingly in the Google search engine. Through the cookies, SEA advertising „remembers“ the previous visit.
We believe that this form of marketing is extremely practical and measurably cost-effective for generating additional sales from existing web traffic.
Display Advertising through SEA
The so-called display advertising describes nothing else than SEA marketing, where ads are delivered to the publisher as ready-made images. In the digital marketing mix, display advertising (image or banner advertising) is a great way to gain brand and product visibility to people who aren’t necessarily looking for your product, but who fit the target demographic.
Once the demographics of your potential customers are understood, matching partner websites are researched that offer ad units to SEA agencies for booking. When creating this portfolio of partner websites, the focus is on driving the highest possible number of visitors to the desired website in a profitable or cost-effective manner.
Knowing the demographics and other characteristics of your clientele, Mix Werbung connects for you with the websites that match customer interests to draw their attention to your business through creative or attractive offers and SEA marketing.
Mix Werbung – Online SEA Agency for the Results that you want!
There is no doubt that with the right SEA mix of Google, Bing, Remarketing and Display ads, businesses have an excellent opportunity to expand their target market.
Google- and Bing-Certification
Mix Werbung is certified with Google and Bing. What does it mean? In addition to experience, our SEA managers excel in continuous training. This is how we enable the best results in search engine advertising with Bing and Google products.
Apply for your SEA marketing review:
Click here to get advertising opportunity forecasts today (including evaluation of an existing SEA ad, if applicable).
SEA Agency
Contact us
Fabrikstr. 3
Gronau, 48599
+49 2562 7120399